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Seven Friendships Every Man Needs

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SKU: 9780736975148

Justin Erickson has identified seven kinds of friendships every man needs to thrive and grow as a Christian. Based on the biblical role models of men like David, Paul, and Timothy, these are the relationships that ultimately make you the man that God has called you to be. Delve deeper into the life lessons offered by friendships found in the Bible, and find the kind of men who can enrich your life in a multitude of ways.

7 Types of Friendships Every Man Needs:

  1. Godly mentor to Disciple you
  2. Faithful Disciple to follow you
  3. Solid Peer to Encourage you
  4. Best Friend to uphold you
  5. Courageous Brother to confront you
  6. Lost Seeker to hear you
  7. Gracious Savior to redeem you

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