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The Apostle Paul: Master Imitator of Christ (Apple/Android)

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SKU: 9781946800053

"I have many favorite biblical figures, Old Testament and New, each for specific reasons. Some are favorites because I can identify with them in one or more characteristics that we seem to share in common. Some are favorites for the opposite reason: they have characteristics that so far eclipse mine that I am in awe of them. Jesus must be far and away the favorite character for any of us who believe and love the Bible, without question. How could this God/man who amazed us and ultimately saved us be otherwise? But then we come to those who were only human. Again, many of them are heroes to us for different reasons, depending on our own personalities and characters, and who appeals most to us in those personalities and characters. For me, my hero of heroes was definitely Paul. As you read this Book, you will see which of his qualities appeal most to me and why. He is introduced to us as a sort of spiritually zealous madman, but he ended up as the best imitator of his Lord of anyone else described in the early Christian era. At least that is my considered opinion. Hence, the title of the Book." –from the introduction

Before teaching a course about Paul for students in the Asia-Pacific Leadership Academy, Gordon gave an advance assignment to the students and then dutifully did it himself. It wasn't long before duty turned to desire, a desire that increased exponentially as he kept studying. As he takes you through everything in the New Testament that pertains to Paul (Acts 8:28 and his thirteen Epistles), you will discover more about:
  • who Paul was just as a person
  • what we can learn from him about the mission of evangelism
  • his concepts and practices of leadership
  • his relationships with other disciples
  • all that he said and taught about prayer
May God bless you to enjoy the reading and the studying you are thereby prompted to do on your own in addition to what you read in this Book, and may it be as life-changing for you as it has been for Gordon. Paul imitated Christ–and so can you!

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